4 Ways That Supporting Charity Is Good for Business

4 Ways That Supporting Charity Is Good for Business

December 03, 2019 1131 Dembi Dollo

There is no doubt that charity is a good deed but the general argument against the charity from businesses is that they are for-profit organizations that do not work for charity. It defeats the whole purpose of a business. This is not true, there are many ways charity from businesses are good. In the world where millennials are driving the new trends, they specifically support companies that have a hand in a charity of some kind. Today, numerous companies have in very creative ways started donations and charity work for different issues requiring the same. This also works as an advertisement for them, as the public hears about it and it drives up sales and reputation. Here are a few benefits for businesses in supporting charity:-

  1. The morale of employees - When companies take an active part in helping the community, it increases employee morale. Giving back to the community helps to make the employees proud of where they work and their work culture. It reinforces good morals and ethics which the employee also carry forward to their work. It increases employee involvement and the general attitude of the employees. It also improves the employee’s emotional attachment to the company which can work wonders for employee output in terms of total work done in a specific time.

  2. It’s marketing - Charity is also a type of marketing. The biggest companies in the world are involved in philanthropic work. Apple, one of the biggest companies right now, has donated more than 70 million since 2015. Donations spread your company’s names, especially if you sponsor certain events. Just remember to sponsor an event that is mirroring your company’s aspirations. Like if you are a medical company, you can sponsor an event to donate medical supplies in Africa.

  3. Tax benefits - This is the most in the face benefit of doing charity work for businesses. There may be a long term effect on the cause sponsored by the charity, but the company can get immediate returns by deductions from tax, for participating in charities. Just remember to follow the procedure laid down by the rules to get the deductions. It is not that the businesses only donate for tax benefits, but its nonetheless a positive from the charity work which can add to the benefits of doing charity.

  4. Community work - Charities help the community and especially those with meager means. It is a means of upliftment. There are many ways that you can provide charity. You can choose something that means a lot to your workforce. Like a company donated in cancer research, when it found that many of the employees’ friends and relatives, had been diagnosed or succumbed to cancer. This brings an emotional attachment to your employees for the company. There are numerous ways you can choose to help the community. The choice is yours. You can, for example, help build school, parks, or do something about the levels of pollution in the city. Everything is counted, and everything is precious and very helpful. 

Charity work helps to better the world in significant ways. It is not just the money, but it spreads happiness through the fact that people in a bad place know that there are people who care about them and are trying to help. This can give a lot of hope to many people. Small acts like to donate used medical supplies though not a big deal for you, can mean the world to someone in need of them. For more information, visit https://www.dembidollo.org/donate-medical-supplies.


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