What to Do with Old Wheelchairs & Medical Equipment

What to Do with Old Wheelchairs & Medical Equipment

November 22, 2019 3964 Dembi Dollo

Wheelchairs and other types of medical equipment which are heavy-duty can be hard to dispose of. While the act of disposing of may not be tough, deciding the way to proceed with it, can be tedious. There are various points to consider such as cost, utility, speed, and the work required from your side. Here are some ways of disposing of your old medical equipment:-

  • medical device donations

Many companies are working for community benefits that allow you to donate your medical equipment, hassle-free. You can donate used wheelchair or any such equipment that is still functioning for the benefit of others. If you live in a big city, chances are many such centers are set up to do this job in particular. All you have to do is take the equipment to them and your work is done. In many cases, they also offer a pickup service for this, especially, if the number of devices is high, precious, or really in demand.

If you are thinking of donating the equipment to a hospital, a word of advice as most hospitals view it as a liability and do not accept such donations but despite this, you can try. 

  • Returning the equipment

Another way of disposing of your old medical equipment is by contacting the store or company that you bought the equipment from in the first place. These companies usually take the equipment back but on the specific condition that the device is from their company itself and not from any other company.

  • Selling it online

If your device is in good condition and you want to make money out of it then there are lots of options in front of you. There are so many online options like eBay, Facebook, Craigslist and online forums where you can supply to the need. Remember to post a good description like the company of the device, time it has been used and the condition it is in. Another action you can take to make your post look more authentic is by posting crisp looking photographs of your device.

  • Other ways of disposal

If you have other things in the house to donate as well as an old wheelchair, crutches, etc then you can also call up the American red cross who haul up everything from your doorstep without any real problems or work from you. Remember though that the devices should be in working condition otherwise this is also not an option. The only option left for you, in that case, is to throw it on a local waste facility and be done with it.

Here were some of the ways you can dispose of your old medical equipment. The better way of disposal will be donating these devices, even if it takes a little effort from your side. This will help another in need of such equipment, as they don’t come cheap. You can do a good deed just by giving a little more effort from your side. To donate your wheelchair or other medical devices please contact us at https://www.demidollo.org.


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