How Medical Device Donation Can Help Africa

How Medical Device Donation Can Help Africa

September 19, 2019 1181 Dembi Dollo

Africa carries a large share of the disease burden of the world from HIV/AIDS to high blood pressure. Public funding for healthcare is grossly inadequate and many of the small private clinics serving the huge population are struggling to meet the demands due to lack of medical equipment as well as finances. The result of this situation is that Africa lacks even the basic medical facilities and hundreds and thousands of people die every day.



Most of the health facilities in Rural Africa suffers from a lack of medical supplies at their clinics and primary health care rooms. Even the government facilities lack a robust infrastructure. Newly born kids are kept on chairs due to the lack of proper hospital beds. Although many people donate fund from developed countries via different NGOs this is not making a huge impact on the lives of people in Africa. The lack of facilities, funds, and proper infrastructure is affecting the quality of care provided to the population. To make a difference in the lives of people in Africa, organizations and facilities need to work at a global level and even individuals can make a difference. Just try to donate a wheelchair that is of no use to you anymore. And this will make a major change in the lives of people who lack even this basic facility.


It can’t be expected that a single organization or a single person will solve the health problems of entire Africa. But each of us can certainly make a change to this situation by doing simple things like you can donate used medical equipment or you can even try to volunteer or you can even try to provide charity donation gift to different NGOs and organizations working towards the health cause in Africa. 

Long Term Impact

Donating medical equipment and supplies like wheelchair, medicines and different machines and equipment would enable the health centers in Africa to perform procedures on patients in need otherwise would not be possible because of lack of supplies and equipment. This will help patients in Africa survive. And the overall health facilities in Africa will improve.

Can you imagine a situation where a person can’t get operated because of a lack of equipment and medicines?

Yes! We can’t imagine because health facilities are a normal and basic right for us. But for people in Africa, even a wheelchair and a hospital bed is a luxury. 

So, if you want this situation to improve, and if you want the medical facilities in Africa to be on par with a global level, try to donate medical equipment. Just type donate medical equipment near me and you will get a list of NGOs and organizations where you can donate the used but unexpired medical equipment and devices. 

Let’s help people in Africa to survive!! Provide Medical device donation to Africa and help to bring health and hope to AFRICA!


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