Importance Of EMT Basic Training For Improving Healthcare In Africa

Importance Of EMT Basic Training For Improving Healthcare In Africa

October 04, 2019 832 Dembi Dollo

Around the world and especially in Rural Africa, thousands of people die daily due to a lack of basic and emergency medical facilities. Many countries don’t have proper access to telephone numbers to call for an ambulance and even if they have telephones and ambulances they don’t have access to emergency units in hospitals and trained health professionals who can provide emergency medical care to critical patients. 

Over half of the death in low and middle-income countries are caused by the conditions that could be addressed just by providing EMT basic training to the health professionals. 

Emergency care has always been neglected in the health system across the world and this is a very dangerous blind spot. 

Challenges to implementation of Emergency Medical Care:

There is no systematic and planned approach to tackle and improve the overall provision of emergency medical care in developing countries. Planners need to make a proper plan for implementation and improvement of basic first aid training. And this should begin at the level of community and primary healthcare centers. In addition to supplementing the knowledge and skills of professional health care providers at community health centers, low and middle-income countries should also try to teach the fundamentals of basic first aid training to a large number of volunteers. This training can include imparting knowledge related to the use of simple medical supplies and vital tasks such as controlling bleeding and immobilization of fractures. 

But at the other end of the spectrum attention should also be given to provide adequate training to physicians and other healthcare professionals. In most of the underdeveloped parts of the world, there is a lack of online support programs so many structural changes are needed to provide Online paramedic programs and other basic medical training in these underdeveloped parts of the world. 

What can be done?

The incorporation of a basic level of emergency medical care into the healthcare system is a must for improvement of the health and well-being of people at large. Providing basic medical training to a large number of volunteers as well as imparting medical training programs online can respond to the needs of the population and can also decrease the long-term human and economic costs of illness and injury. 

Thus the priority should be placed on developing minimum guidelines for EMT in low-income countries. And also in training a large number of students and volunteers in medical schools. Although a large number of training programs and volunteers are provided by international NGOs and organizations, the solution to this problem can be achieved only if all stakeholders work in collaboration towards a common goal. 

If you are one of the few people committed to improving the emergency healthcare system in Africa and you want to get medical training, just type basic life support training near me and a large number of organizations and NGOs can help you to provide the training. 

Making difference around the world require courage and with courage and passion for change, we all can improve the health condition in Africa!!


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