Practical Steps Towards Better Healthcare In Africa

Practical Steps Towards Better Healthcare In Africa

September 11, 2019 937 Dembi Dollo

Despite improvements over the past few years, the health situation of the vast majority of people in Africa remains in jeopardy. It’s a curse for the world that one in six children born in Africa die before the age of five. Even today, African women face 100 times the risk of maternal mortality rate than women in the developed world. Sadly countries in Africa have not been able to meet the UN Millenium Development Goals for health. 

And do you know what is the pervasive problem within all these?

The main problem is the lack of primary health care. And solving this huge problem with such a low level of resources and access to a minimum number of healthcare professionals won’t solve this issue so easily. 

Africa needs a combination of approaches that can catalyze the African healthcare system.

So let’s look at the approach that can solve Africa’s health problem and what we can do towards this:

Economic Aid:

Over the last few years, the emphasis has been placed on providing Economic aid to Africa. But in addition to the need to donate funds, Africa needs a different kind of aid. And that is that their healthcare providers need to be trained in their own country. They also need more help in preventing major diseases. And proper education at all levels so that the disease can be prevented. In addition, to funding donation and other economic help, many countries in Africa wants the global world to donate medical supplies that can help them provide better healthcare facilities.

Increase African Human Potential for Better Healthcare:

Africa has tremendous human potential, and if directed properly and efficiently, it can be a great help to overcome the countries difficulties. By 2050 Africa’s median age will be 25 years and this large number of youth can be trained efficiently to better Africa’s health system. Training like EMT basic training as well as providing facilities by using digital mediums can be an effective way to improve Africa’s healthcare. But this can be possible only if we appeal to Africa’s capacity, creativity, and resilience. 

All Round Investment

Africa just doesn’t need help from a single focussed area, it needs all-round investment from all perspectives. For example, increasing primary healthcare facilities, improved education, especially medical education, healthcare programs online, as well as focussed and proper usage of donated funds. Africa needs a new model for healthcare facilities combining local health officers, telemedicine, as well as a focused approach of government as well as international organizations including International non-profits. But no matter what a concrete approach will definitely improve the healthcare facilities in Africa. 

A partnership between the public and private sectors is the key future of successful healthcare in Africa. The private sector including nonprofits can focus on training of health professionals, donate medical equipment as well as provide resources for research and developments. On the other hand, the public sector needs to work towards improvement in infrastructure. 

Thus a collaborative approach focussed towards a single aim of improving healthcare in Africa is the best way to tackle this vicious problem of poor health and health infrastructures in Africa.

Let’s Work Towards a Healthy and Happy Africa!!




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