Small Donation Add up to Big Change!

Small Donation Add up to Big Change!

September 10, 2019 848 Dembi Dollo

It is wisely said that “the only way to help yourself is to help others” donating for a cause you care about not only benefits the organizations and NGOs but it is also rewarding to you. Giving charity makes you happy and fulfilled. You get a joy that can't be measured in numbers.

But why Donations are so important and how can they help to bring a change in the world?

  • You donate because you can, and you have been blessed with resources and opportunities to help those who are in urgent need. Every individual has to role to play in changing the world around us. Changes can be positive as well as negative. When you donate, you bring a positive change around you. This gives you pleasure as well as a great opportunity to bring a difference in the lives of unprivileged.
  • Many people don't donate because they feel that their donations are too small to bring any positive change. But this is not a truth, if you think you are too small to bring a change, try sleeping with a one is too small is to bring a change. Change always begins with a small number and it adds up to big results. And this fact is true for all scenarios. So don't stop because you feel you are too insignificant to bring any major change. Your continuous effort can change the lives of millions.
  • Giving charity strengthens your personal values and you have a sense of social conscience. Having the power to help others gives you a sense of obligation and responsibility. You feel ethically correct and it engrains a deep feeling of satisfaction.
  • When you donate funds on a regular basis, your children too get into a habit of helping others and they cultivate a sense of empathy in their hearts. And as we know very well, empathy is one of the qualities of human which moves humanity forward.
  • Your small donation can bring millions of changes, which you can't even imagine. Your small charity can be used to save lives, feed a hungry child, help children have a bright future, etc., you can't imagine from the comfort of your house about the distress people are facing.

Every person who walks on the earth has dreams and deserves a fair chance and opportunity to achieve it. Help them achieve their dreams. With your little help, millions of people can achieve their dreams. Donate to make a difference!!


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